In the field of agricultural services, Farm4Trade is a company committed to sharing and spreading knowledge empowering rural communities and students in Agriculture, Food Production and Animal Production or Veterinary Medicine.
Farm4Trade and UAMMP (Université Agricole de Management des Métiers de la Production) are to join forces on the common ground and for the mutual interest of ensuring an excellent education and professional training to farmers, communities and undergraduate and graduate students. The partnership will be also extended to UAMMP subsidiary in Haiti, where Farm4Trade will provide agricultural technology services to the people and to the agricultural sector. Last but even more relevant, the two partners will undertake research into agriculture and veterinary issues.
The university contexts, full of life and will to learn, are the best places to plant the seed of innovation and watch it grow. Farm4Trade and UAMMP have seized the chance of building new exciting opportunities for young people in the agricultural sector, by granting them the access to new technologies and easing them into their adoption.
Farm4Trade will open its e-learning platform to students and professors, who will take courses about the latest best practices and tools in the agrifood sector, alongside with the training on tools and apps for farm management and food security improvement, offered by Farm4Trade.
Partners background
- Farm4Trade was established and registered in Italy in 2016 by the founders: Andrea Capobianco Dondona, Ercole Del Negro and Francesco Di Tondo. The objective of Farm4Trade is to develop, produce and market innovative products and/or services for farmers, public and private institutions and more generally for the agribusiness sector. The company also exercises the following secondary activities: training for the agricultural sector, industrial research, market analysis, international cooperation projects.
- UAMMP (Université Agricole de Management des Métiers de la Production) was established and register in Cameroon, in 2013 at the Ministry of Higher Education under the reference authorizing the creation and the opening N° 13/1147/N/MINSUP/SG /DDES/ESSUP/SACD/NJE/ebm du 28 February 2013. The objective of UAMMP is to develop teaching in higher education, to research activities through its programs, and market innovative product and services. The institution will also exercise in professional training.