We are glad to announce our participation in the LEAP4FNSSA event “West Africa Workshop: Dialogue for Action and Brokerage – Fostering Knowledge, Communication & Innovation Hubs”, held virtually on 28th-29th October 2020.
Our Namibian subsidiary Farm4Trade Namibia Trust has been selected among 25 start ups and idea carriers to engage in partnerships for research and innovation on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
On the 28th October, starting at 2.40pm the CEO of Farm4Trade Andrea Capobianco Dondona, expert veterinarian professional in food systems and sustainable development, participates to the West Africa Workshop as a speaker, to present our innovative idea on how to empower farmers to digitally capture and manage granular data of livestock using evidence-based research results and applying our digital solutions to the agriculture and food sector.
During the Workshop we promote and discuss our projects, services and ideas with the community of researchers and funders within the panel on Short value chain and innovation and digitalisation in agriculture. The panel focuses on innovations supporting circular agricultural practices and strengthening the relationship between agricultural production and local food consumption.
Our solutions for livestock data management empower farmers, especially small scale ones, households farms and women farmers, to optimize productivity by controlling the costs and outputs of all the activities on their farms. We promote a more accurate and oculate data keeping system in order to allow farmers to be accountable and obtain credit for their work, giving evidence to their own prerogatives that aim at maintaining good animal health and thus product quality. Furthermore, our applications represent useful resources that will make forecasting and planning easier, hence control on economic performance, for every farmer.
Our solutions address various issues that affect the rural communities in Africa, first of all the rural abandonment that threatens livelihoods in rural areas and local economies.
By enabling easy to access and easy to use technologies we make farm management techniques more smart and popular among farmers, by promoting universal access to the internet and devices, favoring and guiding computer literacy and cooperating to make sure the industry is receptive towards innovations.
Ours and every pitch during the workshop is to be followed by a brief expert’s impression and then a discussion on FNSSA systems improvement, including opportunities for partnership, investments and fund raising.
Watch the registered live event here, our pitch starts at 05:34:00!
LEAP4FNSSA is a network of African and European funders and research institutions to engage in partnerships for research and innovation on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). The general objective of LEAP4FNSSA is to establish a sustainable platform for the efficient and coherent implementation of the AU-EU Research and Innovation Partnership. LEAP4FNSSA seeks to improve the effectiveness of the AU-EU FNSSA Partnership by contributing to the creation of strategic FNSSA Alliances in research and innovation, which are multi-actor networks jointly planning and initiate a process to launch research embedded into ongoing developments in Western Africa.
About FARM4TRADE Namibia
Farm4Trade empowers breeders, public and private institutions operating in the livestock sector, by offering technological solutions to elevate productivity practices. In 2018 we founded in Windhoek, Namibia, the first resource centre which offers free services to breeders and livestock farmers and while promoting the advantages of Farm4Trade applications. The goal is to provide the community and our clients with a comfortable and accessible experience, where they can take the information needed to manage their farms. Offering a physical space makes it accessible to passersby, encourages walk-in and creates a buzz in the community. The first Farm4Trade Resource Centre is broadly supported by an agreement with the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Namibia (UNAM) to collaborate on the implementation of the project in this country. We will work together in preparation and execution of the training activity for farmers. In order to do that, we will involve and give job opportunities to students to promote the activities in their community.