Several studies have shown that soil fertility is a great driver towards sustainable farming.
Soil is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases and organisms that together support life. Improvement in soil productivity is directly proportional to the success of a farm.
Nowadays the practice of nutrient recycling, use of biochar, and manure is common as it stimulates soil fertility.
Leverage Natural Fertilizers
Dead leaves from trees and shrubs fertilize the soil around, and browsing animal species are well catered for.
Literature shows that dung beetles significantly contribute to a more sustainable ecosystem thereby enhancing the success and rejuvenation of vegetation. The introduction of dung beetles in an area is a model that expedites the reduction of dung on farms across the globe. Dung beetles help spread manure underground, and in so doing revitalize the soil properties. Therefore, healthy soil means health vegetation cover and in so doing, sufficient feed for livestock.
Source for alternative feed
Lately, various bush species and agricultural by-products are used as feed for livestock. Supplementation with essential minerals and feed additives help boost the nutritional value of these bush species. On the other hand, anti-nutritional factors such as tannins in bushes are countered with treatment during feed processing to enhance palatability. Molasses has a sweet-smelling aroma, which often attracts livestock to consume feed.
Practice Rational Grazing
Rational grazing is an essential aspect when rearing livestock. Discussions and debates on stocking rates are frequent these days. Minimal numbers of livestock are often advised, putting into consideration vegetation optimal growth as a priority. It is good to know various forage species your herd is grazing on. This in-turn suppresses land degradation on farms. Farmers are invited to seek advice from pasture scientists on rangeland management.
Discover Hydroponic Fodder
The use of hydroponic fodder is gradually gaining popularity among farmers. A steady supply of water is the secret to successful growth of fodder. Hence, if you didn’t know about this new feed technique, do some research on it!
Learning from agricultural workshops and adopting new technologies is crucial.
- Aganga, A. A. & Tshwenyane S. O. (2003). Feeding values and anti-nutritive factors of forage tree legumes. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2:170-177.
- Fincher, G. T. (1981). The potential value of dung beetles in pasture ecosystems . Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society.
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