Bistanji et al. (2000) illustrates that arid and semi-arid environments often offer limited potential for growth in livestock production. In particular, when there are extended dry periods (Onwuka, 1999). Therefore, the advent of agro-industrial by-products play a vital role as supplements to ruminants under different management systems on farms. Such that, various feed supplements have to be incorporated in order to cater for all nutritional requirements in domesticated animals.
This brings us to the key discussion of today which is the preparation of Urea molasses blocks at a cheaper cost by farmers.
Urea molasses block preparation is not a new technique, actually it has been practiced for the past decades all over the world. Fellow farming communities here is a simple cold process of preparing urea molasses blocks for both large and small ruminants. Your cattle, goats and sheep have something to nibble on as supplement.
Researchers and animal nutritionists are in search of alternative and cheaper feed ingredients to feed cattle, sheep and goats.
Benefits of Urea molasses block
Namibia as a developing nation is consistently coming up with different strategies on how to come up with different feed source for livestock. Such that, feed producers are battling for different ways of developing feeds at a cheaper cost in order to cater for farmers in different farming enterprises. Therefore, use of Urea molasses blocks in ruminants has been reported to improve digestion, increased milk yield, maintains good body condition if used as supplement lick. Furthermore, the sweet smell of molasses in most feeds enhances appetite in ruminants when foraging in the veld.
What ingredients do you need?
- Urea
- Molasses
- Coarse salt
- Mineral mix
- Agro industrial by-products: Wheat, barley, rice and millet bran, palm kernel cake
- Water
- Cement or limestone
NB: Yes cement, the one we use for building.JTVCdGFibGUlMjBpZCUzRDI1JTIwJTJGJTVE
What equipment do you need?
- Plastic bucket
- Wooden stirrer
- Neatly cut 5 litre water bottles
How to prepare your Urea molasses block
- Mix your urea with water and coarse salt
- Add molasses and stir until your coarse salt is completely dissolved
- Add cement or limestone and continue stirring
- Add your mineral mix and continue stirring
- Add your desired agro industrial by-product according to availability in your area and though-roughly mix
Your mixture is ready, so what is next?
- Set your mixture into neatly cut 5 litre containers
- Let your Urea molasses block air dry for 4-6 days
Advantages of Urea molasses block
- One farmer can do it
- Cheap
- Easy
- Faster
- Convenient
Dear farmer, your Urea molasses supplement feed block is ready for your cattle, sheep and goats on your farm.
In summary, Urea molasses block is an easy and cheaper method of providing your ruminants with a sweet palatable lick. The development of these blocks in various formulation rations ought to be practiced in Namibia by farmers and could complement the basal daily rations availed to ruminants.
Bistanji G, Hamadeh S, Hassan H, Tami F and Tannous R 2000: The potential of agro-industrial byproducts as feeds for livestock in Lebanon. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 12, Article #21. Retrieved October 16, 2019, from http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd12/3/bist123.htm Onwuku C.F.I., 1999: Molasses blocks as supplementary feed resources for ruminants. Arch. Zootech 48: 89-94. Urea molasses block image. Retrieved October 16, 2019 from https://www.livestockkenya.com/index.php/blog/feeds-and-feeding/215-urea-molasses-mineral-blocksDiscover the Suite of Apps for Livestock Management The most complete set of tools to improve productivity